Starship Enterprise NCC-1701 Going to and Coming Out of Warp Drive
Star Trek® is a Trademark of Paramount Pictures
and Welcome to my Website! Interesting domain name for a Website, isn’t it? This Website is dedicated to sharing the first step of the “Real Physics” that will make Star Trek a reality in our lifetime ... the
“I thought that they were angels, but much to my surprise;
We climbed aboard our Starship and headed for the skies;
Singing, ‘Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me, lad;
Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me;
Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me;
Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me.’”
Lyrics by STYX from “Come Sail Away” from the Grand Illusion Album
The purpose of this Website is to provide the “Real Physics” involved with developing “Warp Drive” and “making Star Trek a reality.” Gravity manipulation and amplification is the key that unlocks the Milky Way galaxy and the rest of the universe. By navigating the heavens on a Starship using an Amplified Gravity Field Propulsion System, man will no longer be bound to a portion of our Sun’s Solar System. The first step to making Star Trek a reality is to determine just what Gravity is. Albert Einstein dedicated his life to developing the Unified Theory which would have included Gravity. Although Albert Einstein became famous for developing his Special and General Relativity Theories (General Relativity deals with Gravity and accelerated reference frames) he was never able to come to a complete understanding of what Gravity was before his death on April 15, 1955 (at least that is what the “official record” states). My Nuclear Gravitation Field Theory is the first step to making Star Trek a reality because I demonstrate just exactly what Gravity is. My Nuclear Gravitation Field Theory is provided here on a separate Web Page for your reading pleasure.
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What led me to continue on my quest to make Star Trek a reality? I learned about a bizarre event that took place in New England in September of 1961. I will discuss this event in greater detail a bit later.
Albert Einstein claimed the speed of light was the ultimate speed and stated that no object with rest mass could even reach the speed of light. Relative to Earthbound objects, the speed of light, at 299,750 kilometers per second (equal to 186,300 miles per second), seems extremely swift. However, when one considers that it takes light 4.28 years to travel from Proxima Centauri, our Solar System’s nearest neighboring star, to reach us, the speed of light is a relative snail pace with respect to the interstellar medium. It takes light 80,000 years to cross our Milky Way Galaxy. If the speed of light is the limiting speed, it appears that interstellar space travel is impossible. The snail pace for the speed of light is still virtually an instantaneous speed compared to the nominal speed for man’s current space travel technology. The Voyager 2 space probe has left our solar system at an approximate speed of 36,000 miles per hour. At that speed, it would take Voyager 2 over 80,000 years to reach Proxima Centauri.
However, that bizarre event I mentioned earlier may provide just the evidence needed to prove the speed of light is not the ultimate speed. Gravity may propagate much faster than light and may provide a means for interstellar space travel. The Web Page on my Website, “History of My Research and Development of the Nuclear Gravitation Field Theory,” shares with you the history and the background information, including the details of that bizarre event, which led me to develop the Nuclear Gravitation Field Theory.
I originally developed my Nuclear Gravitation Field Theory in a rough collection of notes and information. I stumbled upon a couple of articles that led me to organize my ideas and formalize the theory. The Web Page on my Website, “Supporting Information for the Nuclear Gravitation Field Theory,” shares with you the information I came upon that gave me the confidence that my Nuclear Gravitation Field Theory was absolutely correct. I have provided a summary of the physics of gravity field propulsion for interstellar space travel on Web Page “The Physics of Star Trek and Subspace Communication: Science Fiction or Science Fact?” on my Website.
Website Updated: April 12, 2021

Star Wars: Millennium Falcon Going to Hyperdrive
Star Wars® is a Trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd.

Index and Direct Hyperlinks to the Other Web Pages on this Website:
- Gravity Warp Drive Home Page (Back to Top)
- Nuclear Gravitation Field Theory
- History of My Research and Development of the Nuclear Gravitation Field Theory
- “The Zeta Reticuli Incident” by Terence Dickinson
- Supporting Information for the Nuclear Gravitation Field Theory
- Government Scientist Goes Public
- The Physics of Star Trek and Subspace Communication: Science Fiction or Science Fact?
- “Sport Model” Flying Disc Operational Specifications
- Design and Operation of the “Sport Model” Flying Disc Anti-Matter Reactor
- Element 115
- Bob Lazar’s Gravity Generator
- United States Patent Number 3,626,605: “Method and Apparatus for Generating a Secondary Gravitational Force Field”
- United States Patent Number 3,626,606: “Method and Apparatus for Generating a Dynamic Force Field”
- V. V. Roschin and S. M. Godin: “Verification of the Searl Effect”
- Constellation: Reticulum
- Reticulan Extraterrestrial Biological Entity
- Zeta 2 Reticuli: Home System of the Greys?
- UFO Encounter and Time Backs Up
- UFO Testimonies by Astronauts and Cosmonauts and UFO Comments by Presidents and Top U.S. Government Officials
- Pushing the Limits of the Periodic Table
- General Relativity
- Rethinking Relativity
- The Speed of Gravity - What the Experiments Say
- Negative Gravity
- The Bermuda Triangle: Space-Time Warps
- The Wright Brothers
- Favorite Quotes from Famous People
- Sponsors of This Website
- Romans Road to Eternal Life In Jesus Christ
Hyperlinks to Other Websites of Interest:
- Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
- BobLazar.com The True Story of Bob Lazar
- Warp Drive and Gravity Control for Space Travel
- AboveTopSecret.com - Uncovering Government Conspiracies
- RS Electrogravitic References: Part 7 of 19
- The Philadelphia Experiment and the Secrets of Montauk
- www.SiriusDisclosure.com - Dr. Steven Greer’s Sirius Disclosure
- Serpo.org - The Zeta Reticuli Exchange Program
- Alien Abduction Experience and Research (AAER)
- The Official Travis Walton Web Site
- Meta Research Bulletin of 6/15/94, The Speed of Gravity – What the Experiments Say
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_analog - Wikipedia Encyclopedia - Solar Analog
- Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung mbH (GSI) Laboratory Home Page
- Lawrence-Berkeley Laboratory 88-Inch Cyclotron
- HyperPhysics Concepts
- On the Extension of the Periodic System into the Sectors of Superheavy Elements, Strangeness and Antimatter
- Element 113, Nihonium, Nh
- Element 114, Flerovium, Fl
- Superheavy Element 114 Confirmed: A Stepping Stone to the Island of Stability
- Element 115, Moscovium, Mc
- Element 116, Livermorium, Lv
- Milo Wolff’s Quantum Physics
- Syfy: Imagine Greater | Syfy, Syfy Channel Website

Nuclear Gravitation Field Theory e-Book
Click on either the image to the left or the hyperlink, above, to obtain the Nuclear Gravitation Field Theory e-Book. |
Gravity Warp Drive Supporting Documents e-Book
Click on either the image to the left or the hyperlink, above, to obtain the Gravity Warp Drive Supporting Documents e-Book. |
U.S. Patent 3,626,605: Method and Apparatus for Generating a Secondary Gravitational Force Field e-Book
Click on either the image to the left or the hyperlink, above, to obtain a copy of the original U.S. Patent 3,626,605, “Method and Apparatus for Generating a Secondary Gravitational Force Field,” e-Book. |
U.S. Patent 3,626,606: Method and Apparatus for Generating a Dynamic Force Field e-Book
Click on either the image to the left or the hyperlink, above, to obtain a copy of the original U.S. Patent 3,626,606, “Method and Apparatus for Generating a Dynamic Force Field,” e-Book. |
Henry William Wallace U.S. Patents 3,626,605 and 3,626,606 Combined e-Book
Click on either the image to the left or the hyperlink, above, to obtain a copy of the Henry William Wallace U.S. Patents 3,626,605 and 3,626,606 Combined e-Book. |

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The order in the universe demonstrates that it was designed by a supreme being, God Almighty. I challenge all of you to test the physical evidence of God’s existence. I guarantee that you cannot logically deny the existence of God. I guarantee that you will discover the Holy Bible, which is the Word of the Almighty God, and science go hand-in-hand. I have provided a link to a wonderful Web Page, “Does God Exist?,” for you to visit and browse. Find out for yourself how you can know that God does exist through the evidence found in His creation.

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© Copyright Kenneth F. Wright, April 10, 2000.
All rights reserved. No portion of this document may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the author. |